Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fortilive - I Vs. I (Small Pro Remix LP)

After releasing the debut full-length I Vs. I from Hawaii's own Fortilive, acclaimed New Jersey producer behind the LP, !llmind, joined forces with Diamond Media 360 for the launch of the I Vs. I Remix Challenge. The contest called upon producers from around the globe to undertake the challenge of remixing the I Vs. I LP in its entirety. !llmind's intention behind this contest was to separate the beat makers from the producers and discover a producer that can craft a cohesive body of work, not just remix one hot record. The result yielded an album's worth of material from producer's from all over the world. At the end of the day, !llmind and others tipped their hats to Small Professor, reppin' Philly. Small Pro delivers an engaging and soulful remix LP - demonstrating a keen ability to blend and layer both samples and drum loops, breathing new life into the original version.


http://i51.tinypic.com/md2yp4.png http://i55.tinypic.com/35k2vt0.png http://i52.tinypic.com/wvxptu.png
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