14KT - A Friendly Game of KT
1. Read the LINER NOTES for game description
2. Download and play the first half of the game for FREE
3. Complete the album on iTunes to see how the game ends
Play, repeat. Game for all ages.
This project just created itself. One day, I woke up and decided I wanted to make a project. I took a handful of arbitrary beats and put them in a folder. My most FAVORITE thing to do as an artist is sequence and mix together music for albums. It’s kind of like a game of Pick Up Sticks. I had a can of "beats" with different colors, poured them over a table top, picked them up randomly, and whatever "sticks" I ended picking up, I took and made a project with them. I didn’t have a title for it, so I sent the beats to my A-Side family, in a email with the subject, "It’s time to play a friendly game of name KT’s album!" Being the geniuses that they are (Shouts to Mayer Hawthorne!), they named the project off the email subject. Perfect. About 2 weeks after I got the title, the project was turned in. Simple! Enjoy.
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